The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide

Ph.D. James Fadiman

Language: English

Published: May 7, 2011


In this book, James Fadiman reviews the newest as well as the neglected research into the psychotherapeutic value of visionary drugs. He includes a guide to effects of psychedelic use for spiritual (high dose), therapeutic (moderate dose), and problem-solving (low dose) purposes, and outlines best practices for safe entheogenic voyages learned through his more than 40 years of experience. Exploring the life-changing experiences of Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Aldous Huxley, and Huston Smith as well as Francis Crick and Steve Jobs, Fadiman shows how psychedelics, used wisely, can lead not only to healing but  to scientific breakthroughs and spiritual epiphanies.

SPIRITUALITY / ENTHEOGENS "The publication of The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide could not be more timely; it coincides with a major renaissance of interest in psychedelic research worldwide. The information that it provides will thus be useful not only for the hundreds of thousands of people involved in...